Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nunneries & Co.

I've been talking a lot lately, mostly with myself, but also a fair amount with my soul sister Christine. Talking to someone else is often uplifting and inspiring, but I've found this to be seldom true when discussing thoughts and feelings with myself. The more I analyze my behaviours, thoughts, feelings, reactions, dreams, etc., the more I drive myself crazy. The logical answer would seem to be to develop my interpersonal relationships and acquire and endeavor more hobbies. Logical, yes. Have I been doing this? no. It was a little over a year ago that I decided to take a vow of celibacy. I was the vower, the witness, and the ceremony presider.

I am far too lazy at the moment to draw up eloquent yet evasive conclusions on the experience, so let me just say this: I'm awesome, so obviously a year with myself was both thrilling and enlightening. I feel ready to make another commitment. So, in true Zozo style, I've decided to make plans to keep making plans. Whether these plans include re-committing myself to celibacy and/or joining a convent, or becoming an advantageous young woman, I will always be making plans.

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